RCS Speech & Debate Youth Club

        2021 Windfall Ray Invitational Speech Tournament Closed on 2/13/2021
        Hosted by RCS Speech Youth Club, the Windfall Ray Invitational Speech Tournament (Organization Committee: Jeremy Zhao, Alan Zhang, Larry Balfe) was held in late January of 2021. Competitors for both events, Original Oratory and Impromptu, submitted their video recordings by January 31st. In total, there were 16 oratory submissions and 13 impromptu submissions. Each competitor’s video was put into a round with 3-5 other videos and a judge ranked the videos. There were six judges serving the tournament. The six best-performing contestants went to a final round, where a panel of three judges for each event decided the final order of winners. The winners were recognized at the closing ceremony on 2/13/2021 (Chinese New Year of Ox).

        After the awards ceremony, all competitors received ballots with their rankings and feedback.
        In order for students to further learn and improve, some of the winners’ videos can be found here. Below are the 6 finalists from each event, Original Oratory and Impromptu, ranked 1-6. Some competitors’ links are unavailable because they did not consent to their videos being published. Please use these strictly as a learning opportunity.
        1. Kevin Zhang
        2. April Zhang
        3. Jason Liu
        4. Gloria Wang
        5. Hannah Leong
        6. Vihaan Chadha
        1. April Zhang
        2. Gloria Wang
        3. Claire Liu
        4. Ellison Xu
        5. Anna Meng
        6. Ethan Xu
